Over a decade ago, I started doing this ritual where at the beginning of January, I would give the upcoming new year a title, a theme of sorts, meant to set the tone for the year ahead without knowing what was to come. While the title was vague at the start of the year, by the time December came around, the theme always rang true. For example, 2013 was titled “The Year Anything Can Happen,” which was the year my mom died. 2014 was “The Year Everything Changes,” which was when IT FOLLOWS premiered at the Cannes Film Festival altering the course of my career. Other titles included The Year Nothing Good Gets Away, The Year I Strike Gold, and The Year It Finally Happens, which all had outcomes I didn’t expect, but in hindsight, were on brand.
In wondering what would be a good title for 2025, I thought of a phrase regularly used by one of my favorite line producers (and longtime friend from college), Jennifer Haire, which is to “dial it in.” If a meeting is going off course, “dial it in.” If our budget is getting bloated, “dial it in.” If we have thoughts of grandeur, “dial it in.” Jennifer uses the phrase to tell us when we need to focus or be more efficient, when we need to be more decisive and decide what matters, or when we need to hone in on our vision.
Last week, as the residents of Los Angeles were being told to evacuate quickly, to take only what was necessary from their homes, to decide what sentimental items were most important to them, they were also being asked to “dial it in.” So I’m giving 2025 the title “The Year We Dial It In.” Rather than wait to see what the title reveals at the end of the year, I pondered the areas I believe filmmakers need to “dial it in” for 2025 and share my top four with you here…